About Me
My name is Shamirah Mutola. I'm a 6-year-old girl.

My birthday is
October 4, 2017.



Kamuli Primary School

Education Level


Village Partner

Hearts & Hope

My Story

My Home Life:

My name is Kigongo Sarah, and I am the Mother of Shamirah. We live in Kamuli village, renting a one-bedroom brick house. Shamirah has two sisters, and her responsibilities at home include cooking, fetching water, and washing dishes.

I am a single Mother struggling to provide for my children. Shamirah never had the chance to meet her father, who passed away from HIV-related complications before she was born. He did not take his medication, and he also infected me. I work as a laborer to grow food for our home but lack a stable source of income. Therefore, I am seeking educational assistance for Shamirah.