Irene Nakalyango

About Me
My name is Irene Nakalyango. I'm a 9-year-old girl.

My birthday is
June 15, 2015.



Butangala Primary School

Education Level


Village Partner

Immanuel - Wentzville, MO

My Story

My Home Life:

My name is Kizza, Sarah; I am the mother to Irene, and her 3 brothers & one sister.  We live in Kalebera village in a semi-permanent 2-bedroom brick house.

Irene’s responbilities at home are washing utensils and sweeping the house.

My husband abandoned us 8 years ago when I was pregnant with Irene.  I haven’t heard from him since.  I am solely responsible to provide for my 5 children and my Mom who helps to care for the children.  I dig for food for home consumption only and I do not have any other source of income.  I cannot provide for even the basic needs for my family.