Adella Mucunguzi

About Me
My name is Adella Mucunguzi. I'm a 15-year-old girl.

My birthday is
November 17, 2008.



Ishongororo Primary School

Education Level



High Priority

Village Partner

Immanuel - Brookfield, WI

My Story

My Home Life:

I live in Ishongororo village with my Mother, Grandmother and siblings (all sisters) on a small piece of land. My Mother’s name is Mucunguzi, Evidance and my Grandmother’s name is Mugabire, Adrine. My parents separated and my Father does not send us any financial support. My Father physically assaulted my Mother during their separation and she is still struggling from abdominal complications from the assault causing her not to be able to work.

My responsibilities at home are fetching firewood, fetching water from the well, washing utensils and cleaning the house and compound.

It is my Grandmother who works and brings food to the table. My Grandmother has a small shop where she sells tomatoes and soft drinks (water, juice and soda) on a small scale.

The money my Grandmother earns from selling tomatoes and soft drinks are  used to pay for our basic needs at home such as food, soap for laundry and also cater for our medical bills but it is not enough which is why I need a sponsor so that I can continue going to school.