About Me
My name is Ronald Kampame. I'm a 15-year-old boy.

My birthday is
October 23, 2008.



Ishongororo Primary School

Education Level



High Priority

Village Partner

Immanuel - Brookfield, WI

My Story

My Home Life: 

I live in Ishongororo village with my Paternal Aunt and cousins. My Auntie’s name is Tumukunde, Edith.

My responsibilities at home are fetching firewood, fetching water from the well, washing utensils and cleaning the house and compound. Both my parents went to a faraway district for a cultivation job. My Aunt is a peasant farmer; she cultivates in our garden and grows crops such as maize, bananas, sweet potatoes and beans for both home consumption and to sell but the money she earns from selling some of our harvests is not enough to even pay for basic needs at home which is why I need a sponsor so that I can continue going to school.