**Hanifah lives with her six siblings and both parents who happen to be peasant farmers. They grow crops like millet, beans, ground nuts, Irish potatoes and maize. They can for example harvest two bags (100kgs each) of maize and sell one for UG.SHS.50.000/= leaving one for home consumption. Both parents are also causal laborers; they dig in other people’s gardens to earn more money. They can for example dig from 7am to 1pm and earn UGX 4.000/=.**
**The money they get out of casual laboring and selling some of their yields is to be used to pay for their children’s school fees, buy them scholastic materials and also cater for their basic needs at home like buying paraffin for their table lamp, soap for laundry and washing utensils and also cater for their medical bills. But the money they get is not enough to cater for all the above hence needing help with their daughter’s education.**