About Me
My name is Yiisa Kabite. I'm a 8-year-old boy.

My birthday is
June 30, 2016.



Butangala Primary School

Education Level


Village Partner

Immanuel - Wentzville, MO

My Story

My Home Life: My name is Nandego, Rehema; I am the Mother to Yiisa.  We live in Kalebela village in a 2-bedroom house. I have two daughters & Yiisa.  Yiisa’s responsibilities at home are washing utensils, sweeping the compound and fetching water.

My husband, Kabugo and I sell charcoal to earn a living.  We can earn 20,000 shillings ($5.71) in a day but since the government restricted cutting down trees, we do not have much product to sell and has become a challenge to pay school fees, rent and other basic needs for our family.  Hence in need of educational help.