About Me
My name is Clair Nangira. I'm a 16-year-old girl.

My birthday is
February 2, 2009.



Nalwire Primary School

Education Level


Village Partner

Redeemer - Redwood City, CA

My Story

**Clair lives with her mother and siblings in 2-one room grass thatched mud houses. One house is for the mother plus the younger children and the other house is for the older children. Clair’s parents separated and the father abandoned his children. He does not send any financial support and his whereabouts are unknown.** **Clair’s mother is a casual laborer; she digs in other people’s gardens. She can for example dig for 4 hours and will earn UGX.3000 ($.86) a day. Clair’s mother does not get such work on a daily basis because it is seasonal and it is done by many people in the village of Nalwire. The mother also grows crops such as maize, beans, sorghum and cassava (root tuber) in their home garden for only home consumption. The money Clair’s mother earns from casual laboring is used to pay for their basic needs at home and also to send the children to school but it’s not enough hence needing help with her child’s education**