About Me
My name is Vanessa Nangobi. I'm a 10-year-old girl.

My birthday is
January 4, 2014.



Mbulamuti Primary School

Education Level


Village Partner

Hearts & Hope

My Story

My Home Life:  My name is Nangobi Janet and I am the Grandmother to Vanesa.  We live in Mbulamuti in a one room brick house along with Vanesa’s sister & brother.  Both of the children’s’ parents abandoned them and left me to be solely responsible for the three children.

Vanesa is a humble girl and always ready to learn.  Her responsibilities at home are fetching water from the borehole, washing utensils and sweeping the compound.

I am a peasant who farms for food for the family’s consumption only.  Since am peasant and do not have any source of income, I don’t have money to pay for my grandchildren’s education let alone the basic needs in the home.  Hence the need for a sponsor.