Sylvia Nabayigwa

About Me
My name is Sylvia Nabayigwa. I'm a 15-year-old girl.

My birthday is
March 26, 2009.



Kainhogoga Primary School

Education Level

Secondary - O Level


High Priority

Village Partner

Hearts & Hope

My Story

**Silvia stays with her Grandmother, siblings and other Grandchildren in a house of two bedrooms and one living room. Silvia’s parents separated seven years ago and the mother left home six years ago to look for work in order to support her children but she never returned and her way bouts are unknown by any family member. Silvia’s father never visits or send any financial support for his children. The Grandmother is a peasant farmer who grow crops like maize, beans, sweet potatoes and yams for only home consumption with the help of the older Grandchildren. She can’t grow more crops to also sell because she is most of the times sick; she has high blood pressure and always feels joint pain allover her body. Silvia and her siblings sit at home most of the school days when the Grandmother has no money to pay for their school fees hence needing help with Silvia’s education.**