About Me
My name is Rahim Musisi. I'm a 12-year-old boy.

My birthday is
April 12, 2012.



Butogonha Primary School

Education Level


Village Partner

Messiah - St Charles, MO

My Story

My Home Life:  I live in Namwendwa village with my Grandmother, Mulondo Pheobe. I have 4 siblings and I am the second born in our family. My father’s name is Wambi, Ibra and my Mother’s name is Kobela, Sara. They have separated and have left us children.   

My responsibilities at home are fetching firewood, fetching water from the bore hole, washing utensils and cleaning my house and compound. My Grandmother works hard as peasant farmer but only earns enough money to meet some of the basic needs at home.  My grandmother rarely gets support from my parents which is a reason to why I need help to continue going to school to reach my dream.