About Me
My name is Andrew Baligeya. I'm a 9-year-old boy.

My birthday is
February 9, 2015.



Mbulamuti Primary School

Education Level


Village Partner

Hearts & Hope

My Story

My Home Life:  My name is Sebobo, Daniel and I am Andrews’ Father. I have 4 sons and 2 daughters and we live in our 2 room brick house.  I sell pork joints and can earn 20,000 shillings ($5.71) on a good day.

Baligeya, Andrew is a humble and disciplined hard working boy which gives me happiness every day. And at home he has responsibilities such as, fetching water from the borehole, sweeping the compound and sometimes taking care of his younger ones. I cannot afford the education for all of my children as I need to pay for the basic needs at home for my children; hence support is needed.